Saying goodbye to our studio

Dearest Meraki Mama Collective Village,

Who knew such well laid plans could unravel into the wild wind of circumstance. Who knew that we would all experience such collective transformation. 2020 is no doubt a year that we will all remember, and tell stories about to our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. 

It was April 2020, that I knew I emotionally must begin to detach from the studio. It broke my heart that month when I realized that our space was not ours forever, and my dream of opening more studios in more neighborhoods was not a vision that could be realized any time soon. But I held on. I had built the studio postpartum, while working a full time job, raising three children, attending births as a doula and teaching classes. It was a dream that was realized out of my own blood, sweat, tears and pockets. 

MMC has shape shifted multiple times since we closed the studio in March last year. We have done everything in our power to hold onto our physical space. But after almost a year of no consistent traffic and declining revenue, it is time to let go of our physical space, and open our heart to what comes next. 

And just as I teach all of my students, our power in this world is not always in what we can make happen, but that which we can allow to happen. It is our ability to surrender, to flow, and to submit to our path that embodies so much strength. 

The status of the studio has loomed over my head since April, and now, I have been given the option to leave. To walk away, to move forward. And so I am in flow, and I release attachment and ownership of our physical studio in Roswell, GA. 

This is by no means the end of Meraki Mama Collective, our mission and vision are just gaining momentum. Our in studio classes will simply move next door, into the beautiful and spacious Live UR Yoga. Our online presence will continue to grow, as we train more dynamic and conscious teachers, expand offerings and partner with more resources for childbearing families. 

Don’t forget that our new classes start February 1st, I am still taking doula clients, and our whole online shop is brimming with goodies for the birthing people in your circle. 

I want to thank every single human being that stepped into my studio and helped me to show all of us that community care can exist. Thank you for showing up. Thank you for blessing the space with your magic, your tears, your joy, your growth. I am a better woman, mother, sister, friend, businesswoman because of each of you. 

On February 5, 2021 from 1pm-7pm, I’d like to invite the community back into the studio one last time. To sign our mural, to shop, and to say, “Good Bye,” to our home. 

Please say you’ll stop by, socially distanced, but full of love!

Love + Light,

xxLauren Shields


How soon after birth can I start postpartum classes?


postpartum 2020